Rev. O Zotique, RYT500; C-IAYT1000, PhD (candidate)
O is a yogi, artist, and researcher whose work focuses on the nexus point of optimal human living and openness to creative flow processes as they manifest through a variety of modalities such as music, performance art, asana, energy-healing, and hypnotherapy.
As a Priestess of Maät and Usui Reiki Master, O considers radiant vitality to be a goal for themself and their clients. They received a 200 hour training from Kripalu, 300 hour with Mary Irby of White Crow Yoga, and 1000hr with Be The Change Yogatherapy (in-progress). The latter two experiences of which are focused within the Desikachar lineage.
O’s meditation teachers include Lama Kalsang Rinpoche and Bikshuni Thubten Chödron. As a dream-keeper, O has studied in Jungian and Tibetan schools with Carole IONE Lewis and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
By adjusting their body, mind, and soul, O believes one is able to exude a more elevated frequency and live into higher timelines of reality

Mizana Parsons-Munir, Reiki practitioner; Certified Holistic Therapist; Integrative Health, Restorative & Wellness Coach, Doula
Mizana has helped her clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back by way of low energy; anxiety; trauma; anger; depression, and self-defeating thoughts.
Mizana’s area of Holistic medicines create a place for healing and is supported by 30 years of training. Mizana completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Arts in Therapy & Chemical Dependency. She holds a Masters Degree in Women’s Studies with a second concentration in Counseling. She is also a retired CASAC (Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor).
Mizana is a certified Hypnotherapist and holds certifications as a Holistic Psychotherapist and Integrative Health/Restorative & Wellness Coach. She works with individuals, couples, groups and organizations to introduce clients to the experience of Sacred Medicines - which consists of Holistic Psychotherapy; Reiki; Hypnotherapy; Meditation; Relaxation; Doula Services; Breath-Work; Coaching, Manifesting Sacred Spaces; and Aromatherapy. These medicines engage the experience of clients’ “Spiritual Sense of Style,” while marking the path for long-term lifestyle change.
Mizana believes that finding the right fit of spirituality is important. She explains that it supports commitment which empowers a connection to Source … Greatness. She submits that it allows clients to become who they were meant to be, and not who they think they are.

Tasia Gill, Creative Healing Artist
Tasia is a Published Poet, Short film Writer/Director, Actress and Dancer/Choreographer. Ten years ago, after completing her training at Psychic Horizons- a meditation collective in San Francisco; Tasia embraced the philosophy that : You are spirit in a body and your spiritual reality is the foundation for who you are and what you experience as a human being. When you become more aware of how you are creating your frequency, you can make new choices. Once you understand how you create, you can then change your patterns of creating. Tasia believes that by integrating the divine laws of nature with free will that we can play an active role in healing the collective consciousness on planet earth by healing our own frequencies through energy work.

Tiana Taylor, Multifaceted Healer
Tiana Taylor [pronouns she/her/Goddess/Beloved] is a multifaceted healer with a unique approach to wellness through different healing modalities. Tiana’s background as a nurse, brings a divine blend of eastern and western medicine for wellness and healing. Tiana’s wellness journey was inspired by the needs within her earthly experience. Tiana has taken a unique approach to wellness, and began her healing journey first through her body, then mind and spirit. Healing through the body, Tiana specializes in Vinyasa, Aerial and Rocket yoga, connecting with the breath and strength without our lifeforce, supporting beings of all ages, all capabilities. Applying this wellness and healing, Tiana offers individual thai yoga [bodywork] received from Tiana through movement and asanas. Tiana has further applied this holistic experience to be shared via instruction for partners and caregivers/parents. Tiana is a practicing full spectrum Doula, supporting birthing persons journey their chakra bridge and their families and the supporting team in their lives to adjust to the magic and expansion the journey of wombxnhood invites. Tiana is actively participating in wellness through the mind with meditation, journaling and reiki healing. Accessing wellness through spirit, Tiana is Reiki Master and Teaching trained, and infuses her extension of healing through crystal sound bowls, in the body healing modalities, and in connection and bridging to the spiritual healing. As a mixed womban, Tiana has found the journey to wellness from a grounding experience, planting the seeds of intention for expansion and experience to occur to complete the assignment of our purpose.
Asad Abdullah, Trauma Informed Healing Artist
He supports families, organizations, and individuals, working in the modality of trauma-informed meditation, sound therapy, therapeutic (non-clinical) mental health conversations, and facilitates trauma-informed care workshops. This space was created for self-discovery, intimate connection, release, and healing through action.
Asad has formal training in excess of 400-hours spanning a variety of lineages and practices including but not limited to: Zen, Theravada, Kundalini, youth-based trauma-informed care, Tibetan, Vedic, and Shamanism. He is a certified trauma-informed meditation instructor, a certified trauma-informed youth-based yoga and mindfulness instructor, a certified mental health first aid advocate and listener, and certified in the fundamentals of sound healing. He's worked with the Exodus Transitional Community, Holistic Life Foundation, iMentor, and Google where the bulk of his teachings are conducted.

Shawn Mack, Certified Holistic Health Coach
who received his certification through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and also holds a degree in Human Development. Shawn is an advocate for health consciousness which is the nourishment of well being spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.
As a way to reclaim his health, Shawn transitioned to cooking plant based meals. With this, he found a new passion for not just cooking, but healing oneself holistically.
Shawn approaches the process of cooking as a healing modality just as important as the food itself. A meditative, and intentional process and a culinary ritual.
While continuing to explore ways of healing holistically through, Shawn’s hunger to feed the soul continues to expand. “By being intentional and putting love into your food, you began to love yourself more, and the body reacts to that love in return, outwardly into the world”.

Jordan Taylor Hill, Performing Artist
Jordan is dedicated to traditional music and dance from West Africa and the diaspora. His early influence in song writing and spoken word is combined in a unique way designed to honor his travel experiences, while continuing to preserve folk music, and telling a story through oration and movement.
Hannah, Intuitive Psychic Empath Healer
Beautiful beings, my name is Hannah but you may call Ari. I’m a starseed being, intuitive psychic empath healer with clairvoyant, claircoginzant, clairsentient, and clairaudient abilities. As many healers before me and myself in past lifetimes, the healer’s initiation was brutal but necessary. Many beautiful truths have been revealed to me, one of the most important ones being; When I reincarnated, my soul decided to lose herself - to find herself with the intention of helping others in this realm to embrace their most authentic self. My soul’s calling has never left me of regardless of what I choose to interact with in this 3D matrix. It instead has left me little notes and signs to help me reengage with gifts I’ve carried through each reincarnation.

Aria, Multifaceted Intuitive
Aria uses her extensive experience to guide and reform others views of themselves. A practicing member of The Arc Theory, She strives to be a clear vessel and use her abilities to bring about a persons deepest and most powerful possibilities. She is willing to provide counsel to others in order to restore balance to the world.

Ashley Rutledge, Holistic Health Coach
Ashley Rutledge is a certified Holistic Health Coach whose mission is to empower BIPOC to reclaim their health through diet and lifestyle choices. Food can be a powerful source of healing, and she likes to encourage culturally relevant eating habits that are sustainable for individuals and the planet. Everyone can balance their relationships with food, their bodies, their environment, and their communities with support and accountability. Ashley incorporates movement, breathwork, nutritional science, and creative expression to help BIPOC connect with their inner power and elevate their energy. She is the Founder of Evolucid Wellness where she offers private coaching for individuals looking to improve their health. When she isn’t in the kitchen she enjoys hiking, songwriting, painting, and spending quality time with her family.

Rebecca KellyG , Healing Sound Artist
She creates multi layered vocal soundscapes to support you in self-reflection, self-care and personal accountability.
As an artist and facilitator, her methods are led by heart, inquiry, and intuitive communication. Rebecca supports the cultivation of self-love and accountability for collective justice with individuals and organizations.